Are You Aware of the Spectrum of Health and Disease?

Health and disease are on opposite ends of the same spectrum. Both are simply expressions of the body. Health is the expression of a strong and balanced body, while disease represents a weak and imbalanced one. When I say “balanced body,” I mean your spine is properly aligned (allowing optimal brain-body communication via the nervous system), you maintain inner peace, and your cells, tissues, and organs are nutritionally supported.

On the other hand, when your body is “out of balance,” it means your spine has subluxations (miscommunication between brain and body, leading to dysfunction), emotional stress disrupts inner peace, and your cells, tissues, and organs are malnourished.

What’s Your Relationship with Your Body Like?

Health is nothing more than the relationship you have with your body. Like any relationship, the more you ignore and neglect it, the worse it becomes. However, the more energy and effort you put into it, the stronger the bond and better the connection will be.

Do You Think Building Health is Hard Work?

Some people might think being mindful of every thought, every piece of food, exercising regularly, taking the right supplements, and getting consistent chiropractic care is hard work. But that’s the price you pay in energy, effort, and money to build a strong and balanced body (relationship).

Have You Considered How Hard It Is to Neglect Your Health?

Now, let me ask you—do you know what else is hard? Neglecting your body. Engaging in negative thinking, eating fast food, processed meals loaded with GMOs and toxins, or spending endless hours on video games and Netflix marathons can lead to a weak, unbalanced body. Do you realize how hard it is to develop heart disease, diabetes, or cancer? It takes decades of neglect and abuse.  Let me say the same thing only different.  You have your house/apartment where you live.  Your home demands a certain amount of energy/effort for upkeep.  What would happen to your home in 10 years if you stopped cleaning it or doing any sort of maintenance on it.  It will naturally deteriorate.  Your body is the only place you live.  It demands things for optimal performance.  You ignore those demands how can you expect to feel good or performance at your best. 

Are You Ready to Choose Your Hard?

Here’s the good news—you get to choose your hard. It’s not about being perfect. I’m not perfect by any means. But it’s about being a little better today than yesterday, last week, or last month. Focus on your progress, the habits you’re building, and enjoy the journey.

Where Does Health Rank on Your Priority List?

This brings us back to an important question—where does health lie on your priority list? People who take their health seriously develop habits they stick to daily. There’s a reason why 60% of Americans suffer from one chronic degenerative disease, and why 40% have two or more. We’re not taught what real health looks like, how to care for ourselves, or how to build habits that promote daily wellness. Health is a skill that needs to be learned.

Remember, you’re the captain of your own ship, and your health is in your hands. It’s all about progress, not perfection. Need help? Just ask.