Is Health Just Like Learning Any Other Skill?

Think back to your childhood. Maybe your parents enrolled you in piano or guitar lessons, or perhaps you developed a passion for basketball, soccer, or art. How do you learn any skill? Typically, you get a coach or teacher with more knowledge and experience in that area. They see the big picture and help break it down into smaller pieces, teaching you the basics. Then, you practice on your own. How do you master something? You put in the time—at least 10,000 hours, some say. Health is no different.

Why Aren’t We Taught About Health Growing Up?

The problem is, we aren’t taught about health in the same way we’re taught about music, sports, or art. As kids, or even as adults, no one teaches us the essential aspects of building a strong, balanced body that can naturally express health. What are the key “skills” for health? Understanding yourself and your emotions, identifying stress, learning to manage it, proper nutrition, hydration, exercise, sleep, recreation to nurture your inner child, and supporting your nervous system with chiropractic care.

Are Your Health Habits at a Grade School Level?

Many of my patients come to me with basic beliefs about health and don’t understand the big picture of how the body works. They’ve developed habits that, over time, have abused their bodies, weakens it and has led to symptoms or conditions. It’s like their understanding of health is at a grade-school level. My role as a doctor, which literally means “teacher,” is to guide them from that grade-school level to a high school and eventually college level of health knowledge and habits.

What Happens When You Understand How Your Body Works?

The more you understand how your body works, what weakens it, and where to put your focus and energy to build your health, the easier it becomes. It’s simple to take a history, do an exam, identify the problem, and create a care plan. But what separates a healer from a doctor is the ability to empower the patient. It’s about helping you think, act, and live from a place of strength and confidence. A strong, balanced body doesn’t get sick.

Why is Health a Skill?

Health is a skill that requires education and understanding. It’s about mastering basic habits that strengthen the body. Health isn’t difficult, but it needs to be a priority. My job is to coach my patients to think and live on a higher level, where symptoms and conditions can’t survive. It really is that simple.

What’s the First Step?

I always recommend taking baby steps toward better health. When we know better, we do better. Health isn’t hard—it just needs to be at the top of your priority list. And if you need help, I’m here to guide you.