enzyme therapy

Enzyme therapy is supplementing the body with the correct nutrients, specifically enzymes to nourish and strengthen organs, glands, tissue and systems of the body.  Dr. Keith does a comprehensive digestion evaluation to determine the nutritional status of your body.

Digestion Evaluation
1. 6 day food log
2. Symptom survey
3. 24 hour urinalysis
4. Bloodwork
5. Fasting digestive exam

Once the source of stress and imbalances are identified, Dr. Keith customized a care plan specific to your individual needs to strengthen your body so it can heal.

The care plan consists of:
1. Minimizing or managing the stress better (the most important part for healing)
2. Diet modification
3. Home care program – exercises to do at home
4. Chiropractic care
5. Enzyme supplements

enzyme therapy


If you are suffering with a health challenge and are looking for answers, here is what you can do for FREE:

  1. Come in and have Dr. Keith check you.  He can check your posture, check your spine and digestion system to see if what he does can help you.
  2. Give him a call and he can answer your questions directly.
  3. Come to one of his Monday night health workshops. Look for the schedule on the events page.

What My CLients Are Saying


The best of all is that my reflux is GONE!I have my life back again.I have not been sick for two months now and I have no sinusinfections and no illness of any kind.This is fantastic for me. As an added benefit, I have lost 15 pounds without even trying. The weight just melted away in three months.I have my life back and I feel so lucky.I am sending my friends and family who are not well to Dr. Giaquinto.He is amazing!

Patti P.


“Since being under his care, I no longer have insomnia, my energy level is much better, no more digestive problems, and the pain in my back and body are completely gone.  The exercises that Dr. Giaquinto gave me to do will consistently help to strengthen my back.  Thank you Dr. Giaquinto.”


Eloise r

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