Transform Your Health with Expert Care

Discover how Giaquinto Chiropractic and Digestion Center can help you achieve optimal wellness through personalized chiropractic and digestive health services.

What Our Patients Are Saying


Low Back Pain/Sciatica

I first came to see Dr. Giaquinto one year ago. I was recovering from a sciatic nerve condition that had been with me for about 3-4 months. It was quite debilitating and I had great difficulty sleeping. When I had an intense bout, I had difficulty sleeping and driving. I have seen and worked with several physical therapists and chiropractors over the years. My results from seeing these professionals were mostly short-term relief.  Dr. Giaquinto is an unusually gifted chiropractor. He has wonderful natural talent combined with a strong knowledge of the inner workings of the body and its nutritional needs. Out of all the professionals I have seen over the years, Dr. Giaquinto is the best at keeping my body finely tuned.

Edward R.

Low Back Pain/Sciatica

I first came to see Dr. Giaquinto in September 2004. I had been experiencing constant chronic neck and low back pain for 17 years. Lifting heavy objects at my job and poor posture habits were the cause of my injuries. For so long, my pain level was a 7 out of 10, with periods of even more intense pain. Sometimes this chronic pain could immobilize me for several days at a time. Throughout this time, I sought treatment with a Medical Doctor and also a Chiropractor in Sacramento. I did experience some temporary pain relief, but I didn’t receive any education on how to strengthen my neck and back in order to avoid pain in the future from either doctor. I was enthusiastically referred to Dr.Keith by a neighbor who is being treated by him. My results have been amazing! I thought I was just going to have to live my life in pain. This is the most pain-free I’ve been in 17 years, thanks not only to the adjustments, but for Dr. Giaquinto’s passion to educate me on how to care for my whole being. He didn’t just “crack me” and send me on my way (like my previous chiropractor). I now have exercises, as well as stretches that I do throughout the workday that Dr. G. taught me to relieve the pressure and help improve my posture. I’ve never worked with a health professional so keenly focused on the overall good of his patients. When I tell friends and family about how my life is so much more enjoyable now that I’m not a prisoner to chronic pain, I often refer to Dr. G as a “miracle worker”, which is high praise from a hard to please person such as myself. I highly recommend Dr. Giaquinto to anyone trying to live a pain-free life, as well as those who are looking for some preventative therapy and education on how to maintain good health.

Timm F.

Headaches/Neck Pain

I was referred to Dr. Giaquinto by another enthusiastic patient of his.  I came in because for the previous month I developed mild to constant headaches and experienced neck pain from the stress of recently moving 3000 miles across the country. I also have upper back pain from a 13-year-old weight training injury. Professionally, I am a personal fitness trainer, and I am an extremely active person. When the headaches and neck pain became more constant naturally it started to interfere with my day-to-day activities. My upper back pain often made me feel “out of sorts,” and all I wanted to do was rest. I did go to a chiropractor when I was first injured 13 years ago, but at the time I didn’t really understand that chiropractic could help in long-term wellness. I felt immediate relief after the first adjustment by Dr. Giaquinto.  He put me on a three times a week treatment plan and within the last couple of weeks I have notice I am “forgetting” about the pain, and have returned to my busy normal activities. I feel more alert, grounded, focused, energetic and surprisingly less prone to depression and lethargy. Chiropractic is a wellness health care or healing art with obvious direct connection of the body to mind wellness, which is the overall complete holistic package.

Karal G.

neck and low back pain for 17 years. Lifting heavy objects at my job and poor posture habits were the cause of my injuries. For so long, my pain level was a 7 out of 10, with periods of even more intense pain. Sometimes this chronic pain could immobilize me for several days at a time. Throughout this time, I sought treatment with a Medical Doctor and also a Chiropractor in Sacramento. I did experience some temporary pain relief, but I didn’t receive any education on how to strengthen my neck and back in order to avoid pain in the future from either doctor. I was enthusiastically referred to Dr.Keith by a neighbor who is being treated by him. My results have been amazing! I thought I was just going to have to live my life in pain. This is the most pain-free I’ve been in 17 years, thanks not only to the adjustments, but for Dr. Giaquinto’s passion to educate me on how to care for my whole being. He didn’t just “crack me” and send me on my way (like my previous chiropractor). I now have exercises, as well as stretches that I do throughout the workday that Dr. G. taught me to relieve the pressure and help improve my posture. I’ve never worked with a health professional so keenly focused on the overall good of his patients. When I tell friends and family about how my life is so much more enjoyable now that I’m not a prisoner to chronic pain, I often refer to Dr. G as a “miracle worker”, which is high praise from a hard to please person such as myself. I highly recommend Dr. Giaquinto to anyone trying to live a pain-free life, as well as those who are looking for some preventative therapy and education on how to maintain good health.

Timm F.

Knee Pain/Torn Meniscus

I was recommended to Dr. Keith in October 2006 by a work colleague because of an injury I sustained.  She had received amazing results after her own knee injury.  I had torn my meniscus on September 28, 2006 during a kick boxing class.  It was extremely uncomfortable and I could barely climb down all of the steps in my townhouse.  Unfortunately my knee was also very swollen and I really had limited mobility.  This was extremely difficult for me because I am an active person and love to cross train 5-6 days a week doing tennis, swimming, hiking, biking and running.  I was unable to do any of it because of my knee injury.  It has been 3 ½ months since being treated by Dr. Giaquinto.  I too have had excellent results.  I can finally bend my knee almost all of the way, the swelling is gone and my knee feels like it’s not sore all of the time.  I can walk again for more than five minutes without feeling any pain.  Finally I can do limited exercise. For the most part I feel back to normal!

Elizabeth M.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Two years ago I exacerbated a 10-year-old injury in my neck and I had also been suffering from right carpal tunnel syndrome for the last 2 months.  Unfortunately, I hadn’t achieved any relief from other chiropractors I had gone to in the past.  I also tried acupuncture, which didn’t help my symptoms.    I could no longer teach and train efficiently in my profession, martial arts.  I constantly moved from chiropractor to chiropractor because I didn’t get much relief.  Sadly, I started to realize that I had to adjust and live with the discomfort and pain.  I came to Dr. Giaquinto two years ago for help because it was affecting my sleep and other activities. I was also not aware of the tension building in my neck, shoulders, arms and right hip because I had become used to the pain.   Since I started treatment with Dr. Giaquinto, I feel almost completely relieved from my carpal tunnel symptoms. I feel empowered to continue healing and strengthening.  My body functions more efficiently now and continues to heal with each visit.  This allows me to enjoy teaching and training martial arts again.  Dr. Giaquinto has expanded my own awareness of my body and educated me on how and why I experienced the pain. He also showed me tools and exercises that I can use by myself at home to help maintain my health.  Now I can better educate and train my students against injury and over-training. If and when they do get injured, I have no problem sending them here to Giaquinto Center.  I feel confident that Dr. Giaquinto will take great care of them as he did me.

Michelle B


Abdominal Pain

I came to see Dr. Giaquinto in June 2006.  I was experiencing everything from minor discomfort to pretty extreme pain in my stomach area.  I suffered with these symptoms for 8 weeks before I went to my medical doctor, who sent me for a CT scan, diagnosed me with diverticulitis and prescribed antibiotics, which didn’t work.  My quality of life took a serious downturn.  I had constant stomach pain to some degree every day.  Some days it got so bad that I had to lie down due to the pain.  I was referred to Dr. Giaquinto by a co-worker who was a patient of his.  Dr. Giaquinto prescribed enzymes, a better diet, and simple exercise for me to do at home.  I had a 50% improvement in my digestion and stomach pain after the first month.  After the second month all the discomfort is gone and I feel great.

Richard B.

Acid Reflux/Heartburn

I came to see Dr. Giaquinto on March 17, 2008.  I am not sure of the cause, but my health had been deteriorating for about two years. I had been dealing with acid reflux for about eight months. I was also experiencing constant sinus infections, taking tons of antibiotics, gaining weight and losing my energy and zest for life.  I felt like I was growing old before my time. The condition I was in affected every aspect of my life.  All I wanted to do was lay in bed and watch TV.  I could not sleep at night and I was afraid to eat.  I was depressed and lost my interest and joy for life. I had tried to address my issues with several different types of medical doctors. I was treated by a gastroenterologist who put me on two acid reflux medications.  I was treated by my internist with antibiotics and I began to get allergy shots for my allergies.  I also used two nasal sprays for my allergies.  The only difference I experienced was that my acid reflux continued only slightly improving in the daytime.  I continued to get sinus infections every other month and I still had no energy and felt bad all of the time.  I explored the internet and found Dr. Howard Loomis.  I did a search on his website for a chiropractor in my area who did digestive work and I decided to try that route because all the others had been so ineffective.  Since being treated by Dr. Giaquinto with Enzyme Nutrition, I have had amazing results!  In just four months, my life is completely different.  I feel like I used to in my 20’s.  I have tons of energy, sleep at night and feel refreshed in the morning. The best of all is that my reflux is GONE!  I have my life back again.  I have not been sick for two months now and I have no sinus infections and no illness of any kind.  This is fantastic for me.  As an added benefit, I have lost 15 pounds without even trying.  The weight just melted away in three months.  I have my life back and I feel so lucky.  I am sending my friends and family who are not well to Dr. Giaquinto.  He is amazing!!!!!!

Patti P.


I was a health conscious 39 year old, ate relatively healthy, exercised regularly and yet I was struggling with lower back pain, shin splints, aching knees and occasional wrist pain.  Another huge struggle I was dealing with was pretty severe cystic acne.  I had dealt with the acne and low back pain since my twenties. I had tried countless prescriptions for my acne and if I did see results, I found myself dealing with harsh side effects due to the medications.

I believe the acne is triggered by my hormones, and the back pain is mostly due to my scoliosis.  I would have bouts of very sharp pain in my back, bad enough to cause me to not be able to complete a full work out (stop running etc).   My acne effected my daily life, my skin was inflamed, painful and it affected my mood daily.  I was extremely self-conscious and very frustrated that everything I had tried had ultimately failed to work.

I called Dr. Keith on my 39th Birthday after two different close friends referred him to me.  I was in denial that I ate poorly because I was already avoiding fast food and I didn’t drink pop.  I ate organic food and watched my calories.  What I was surprised to find out after an exam from Dr. Keith was that my body struggles to digest carbohydrates.   Once I started taking digestive enzymes with my meals, I noticed that I was a lot less bloated (I hadn’t even realized that I was bloated and constipated). The enzymes helped me feel so much better.  It took time, but I also started to see a change in my complexion.  I did start taking a prescription again from my dermatologist, but in the past I had to take such a high dose that I had terrible side effects (primarily dizziness, and foggy thinking) this time when coupled with the enzymes and diet plan suggested by Dr. Keith- I am able to take 1/3 of the dosage of my prescription. I have clear skin and none of the side effects.   The enzymes also combined with regular chiropractic adjustments have significantly reduced inflammation in my body.  I have felt 90% better during my workouts and day to day life.  I have not had any of the back pain that I was initially struggling with.  Plus the achy knees and wrist pain greatly improved and the shin splint are gone.

If you are having any kind of physical ailment or digestive issues. I would absolutely recommend a consultation with Dr. Keith.  He is extremely knowledgeable of our bodies complete working systems and how they affect us as a whole.  I found it fascinating how much diet effects all other aspects of our well being- and the enzyme nutrition helps to heal our bodies from the years and years of damage we have done to it by not eating properly.  It’s nearly impossible to avoid foods that may trigger inflammation or be a challenge to digest, but the enzymes help keep our gut in balance.  I feel like I am more in control of how well I am going to feel now that I see Dr. Keith.

Thank you Dr. Keith.


I first came to see Dr. Giaquinto four months ago for numbness in both my arms and hands.  I also have allergies and sinus problems intermittently my whole life.  While getting treatment for the numbness in my arms, I spoke with Dr. Giaquinto about my allergies.  I told him I had allergy shots when I was younger and my allergies subsided until about two years ago when they came back in full force.  For the past two years, I would wake up sneezing and congested almost everyday.  I would get allergy flare ups about twice a month that would leave me bedridden.  Some days I even had to take allergy medicine which I didn’t like doing because I wasn’t able to function properly due to the side effect of being drowsy.  Dr. Giaquinto suggested that he could help my allergy condition with Enzyme Nutrition.  I decided to give it a try.  Since being treated by Dr. Giaquinto with Enzyme Nutrition for my allergies, I have had excellent results!!  The first few weeks I went through some cleansing and Dr. G. explained that my cells and tissue were being replaced with better quality nutrition.  It has been about two months since I started the Enzyme Therapy and now I no longer have any congestion and haven’t had an allergy attack since!

Amanda C.


I initially came to see Dr. Giaquinto for my back pain, with which he has helped tremendously.  But Dr. Giaquinto also helped me in a way I never expected.  I have had bloating and stomach pain routinely show up after eating for as long as I can remember.  Even eating something as small as a sandwich.  I’d always walk around holding my stomach in because I felt like I’d swallowed a giant watermelon.  It was just so big and it was too hard and painful to always suck it in and hold it in.  Unfortunately my self-esteem suffered because of my bloating and pain and I just didn’t understand why it was so ugly.  It got to a point were I wouldn’t go swimming or go to the beach if I had eaten that day.  I even went to medical doctors and they said there was nothing wrong!  The Internist I saw thought I had severe stress directed into my stomach.  I also went to an acupuncturist and it didn’t help either.  I felt like having no results or answers after seeing these professionals was a big waste of money.  After I heard about the digestive work Dr. Giaquinto does, I thought I’d try one more time to find relief.  Dr. Giaquinto did a digestive workup on me and prescribed specific exercises and enzyme supplements that my body needed to heal.  It has been two months and the bloating and stomach pain is 90% improved.  Now these are results! And I am unexpectedly also losing weight, which I am thrilled about and I don’t have to hold my stomach in any more.  I know with Enzyme Nutrtion one day soon I’ll be 100%!

Ashley B.

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