Do you want more energy, clarity of thought, better restful sleep, quicker recovery time from workouts, weight loss, stronger digestion or immune system, less body/joint aches and pains, decreased allergies, food sensitivities or skin/hair problems? Do you have a healthy lifestyle such as consistently exercising, eating clean, drinking enough water and getting restful sleep, but the results or performance that you want from your body are just not happening? Do you ever wonder why your lifestyle may not give you the results you want for your health? I hear this all the time from my patients. Can you relate to this at all? Do you feel stuck? I want you to know that you are not alone. This is pretty common. But there are reasons why your body is not performing. When your lifestyle is not converting into the performance you want from your body, it is not a question of your lifestyle. The question needs to be pointed at the way your body is functioning, or shall I say not functioning.

Every single cell in your body has this innate desire for well-being. That is what I love about the human body and physiology. The human body was designed to ALWAYS heal, grow, repair and thrive, not just to idle by and survive. When you are not getting the performance from your body with the lifestyle that you are living, it may be due to a certain level of dysfunction occurring in your body? What do I mean?

body internal look

Your cells, tissues (muscle, connective, bone, nerve) and organs need 3 things to perform their normal function and for you to be healthy. Cells, tissues and organs need food to be dropped off, their waste products removed and clear communication from your brain to be able to perform their normal function. If your body can do these three thing efficiently, performance from it is a non-issue.

When your lifestyle is not getting the results you want for your health, it may not be getting proper communication from your brain because you have subluxations in your spine or you have poor posture and the signals from your brain are not reaching the target tissue or organ. If you are eating a clean diet, you may have a subclinical digestion or absorption issue and your body cannot get the proper nutrients to your cells and organs for them to function properly because of specific enzyme deficiencies. Maybe your body is locked into a sympathetic dominance (fight or flight mode) because you are eating too much refined carbohydrates, have a type A personality or have mineral deficiencies. These are a few of the many reasons that can be compounding factors of why your body is not performing the way you want. Don’t sweat it, you need to get your body checked.

This is what I specialize in. I evaluate your body from a functional perspective and find the primary source of stress on your body. Once found we minimize that stress and then work together to improve and support normal function. When this happens and you give your body the time and space it needs to heal, it is only a matter of time before health is expressed. The human body has to. It is what it was designed to do. The main problem I see is that most doctors are not trained to identify the source of stress. Which is why the results are minimal at best. Most people then try to self-diagnose and treat themselves from what they find on the internet, which can be dangerous. If you have a lot of unanswered questions about your health, then call my office and schedule an appointment to get your body checked. I am not okay with people having unanswered questions about their health.