PMS – Protein Metabolism Symptoms:
Deficiencies Can Affect Monthly Cycles

by Dr. Keith Giaquinto

There are specific things that women can do naturally to ease the wide range of physiological and psychological symptoms—called premenstrual syndrome (PMS)—during a monthly cycle. While bloating, cravings, fatigue, headaches, cramps, breast swelling and tenderness, depression, irritability, aggression and difficulty concentrating can be common, they don’t have to be a “normal” part of a woman’s life.

These symptoms are linked to the inability to metabolize protein efficiently, meaning that when there’s too much stress on a woman’s body, she cannot digest protein, absorb protein and get the required protein to the cells and organs for proper function. Another challenge is that overall, women simply do not eat enough protein. When there is a protein metabolism deficit, symptoms associated with PMS will occur.

When there is too much body stress, digestion suffers. Weak digestion starts a cascade of poor absorption, leaky gut, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth and bowel toxicity, thus hindering proper health. PMS symptoms are a woman’s body’s way of expressing a protein metabolism problem.

To correct the issue, a woman has to begin by identifying where the primary source of stress is in her body and determine if it’s mechanical, emotional, nutritional or a combination of the three. Identifying the primary source of stress and minimizing or managing it is the first step to begin healing.

Next comes supporting proper function: Chiropractic adjustments and good posture can help the body mechanically work better. Managing emotional stress and eating more protein and leafy greens can decrease the nutritional deficit. Lastly, taking digestive enzymes ensures proper food digestion.

A protein metabolism problem can begin well before a young girl begins menstruating and can be present until after menopause, if it goes unaddressed. Usually, this is not a one-time event that affects women, and it can be ongoing because it’s often misdiagnosed.